AQUATEK is a multifaceted diving structure.
It is above all a technical diving school which specializes in teaching Nitrox, Trimix and rebreather diving.
We have been training all levels of divers since 1997.
AQUATEK are diving trips, especially in Saint Even les Carrières.
AQUATEK Boutik to adjust your dives
AQUATEK Training
Our partners
Our partners without which all this would not be possible!
AQUATEK Training
The goal is to offer you a quality service for high-level training.
To register , know the rates, contact me.
Caving training
Recycler training
Bottle training
The equipment you will need
Caving diving training
It is possible to chain the two levels over 5 days.
Cavern diver
Introduction to ceiling diving, the Cavern diver enters the cavity without venturing further than daylight. However, the configuration, the trim (the position of the diver so that his kicking preserves the sediments on the ground so that the return is done in conditions of acceptable visibility), the basic procedures of caving diving are addressed.
Duration: 2 days with four dives and a little theory
Location: depending on the season, to be defined with you, in Charente or in the Lot
You must be of legal age, minimum level 2
Intro Cave Diver
After the cavern, the Intro Cave corresponds to the autonomy of the caving diver as long as there is no crossroads or narrows. All the basic techniques of caving diving are mastered.
Duration: 3 days with four dives and lots of theory
Location: to be defined depending on the season
In addition to the Cavern conditions, you must have dived a little caving (30 dives minimum)
Full Cave Diver
The full cave corresponds to total autonomy in diving. The training is centered on gas planning, mastery of complex navigation, crossroads, crossings.
Duration: 3 days with 6 dives and 4 hours of theory.
Location: to be defined depending on the season
Mine 1
Mine 1 brings together the equivalent of the Cavern and the Intro Cave combined, suitable for diving in mines. The mine has its particularities which define a specific content for diving in mines. The gateway from one to the other is easily possible at Saint Même les Carrières and the Charentaise galleries.
Mine 2
Mine 2 is a full cellar in an artificial environment, with its specific procedures. In Saint Even les Carrières, training or a simple crossover is done in an extraordinary site. With the multiple launches, the different routes and the variety of configurations Saint Même is the ideal site to learn the techniques specific to "mine" diving.

Rebreather diving training
Rebreather diving is diving into the world of silence. No bubble to scare wildlife and finally silence to listen to the world of the sea.
It is also safe diving, more anxiety about the air supply, autonomy depending on the model ranges from 2 to 3 hours.
Finally it is great comfort, the diver breathes as freely as on the surface, a hot and humid gas.
You no longer leave for a short underwater intrusion into the noise and stress. You will go for a walk as if you are going on a mountain excursion, you take the time to appreciate the landscapes and approach the animals with the greatest discretion.

Baptism recycler To get an idea
The discovery of rebreather diving
Home :
Depending on your size, the most suitable recycler is adjusted for you. Depending on your wishes, diving is planned in the swimming pool or at Saint Meme les Carrières in slightly cooler water. In summer, the baptism can be done in the Charente which conceals quite incredible diving sites!
The first rebreather dive is always confusing. The disappearance of the ballast lung is largely compensated by the pleasure of no longer making noise. The apprehension of having to manage the new volumes of gas fades once the first meters are crossed. After that there is only happiness. You are no longer limited by autonomy. You decide the end of the dive!

A day to discover rebreather diving
Home :
The day begins at 9:00 a.m. on the main square of Saint Même les Carrières or in the summer season on the dive site on the banks of the Charente, for a brief presentation of the history of the rebreather dive then an assembly of the machine.
First dive
Then follow a first dive to discover bubble-free breathing in complete serenity. By the way, the ballast lung is left in the cloakroom and there remains only the pleasure of diving in silence.
Lunch break
The meal is taken after preparing the machine for the afternoon dive. It is an opportunity to share his first impressions.
Second dive
Depending on the season and weather conditions, the afternoon site is chosen to vary the pleasure.
You must be Level two minimum.
Inspiration Training - Evolution Air
Come and do your Inspiration Evolution rebreather diving course in Charente!
Air inspiration training. You must be a confirmed Nitrox diver and level 3
The electronic closed circuit recycler is based on an electronic management of the oxygen supply to the diver according to the quantity that he asked the machine. The diluent for this oxygen is air or trimix. With air the diver breathes a suitable nitrox.
These dives optimize decompression as well as possible. There is therefore a double security to dive with this rebreather, autonomy without comparison with the open circuit, and optimization of decompression. You will discover during the training the multiple additional advantages to dive with this wonderful machine.
A theoretical module
There is a common base for all recyclers to assimilate. Then there are the specifics of the Inspiration or Evolution of ODA to discover. It remains to add the problem of gases and safety during these bubble-free dives. Knowledge of the machine's user manual is a prerequisite before going to the course if you want to take full advantage of it (of the course and the machine!).
A practical module
Eight hours minimum dives and at least 8 dives with air diluent validate the Air Inspiration training.
Duration of training
Continuous or over weekends or half days, it is according to your possibilities. Everything is possible.
Training places
Depending on your preferences, we can organize dives wherever you want. Between Saint Even the Quarries, the Charente and the nearby sea, it is according to the best opportunities and as you wish.
At the end of the training you are certified Buddy Inspiration Evolution, air diver. The type of machine for this certification is noted on your specific rebreather logbook.
Recycler Training Inspiration Evolution Trimix Elementary
As in open although it has less meaning in terms of machine preparation, it is kept a basic Trimix level and a Trimix level. The increasing depths, the logistics, the security to be put in place for Trimix dives justify specific "deep" Trimix training.
Be Level Three; be 18 years old
Have made at least 30 dives and 50 hours on Inspiration
Duration of training
Continuous or over weekends or half days, it is according to your possibilities. Everything is possible. In general the four technical dives are done over a weekend with two dives per day for two days. Then the two trimix validation dives are done over one or two weekends at the rate of one dive per day.
Training places
It is out of the question for us to train you in diving rebreather trimix elsewhere than at sea. Depending on the opportunities and the season, different centers can accommodate us. It is to be defined with you when planning your training.
At the end of the training, you are certified as a Basic Trimix or Trimix Buddy Inspiration diver.

Recycler training Inspiration Evolution APD Trimix
There is no specific FFESSM "trimix rebreather" course but an adaptation of the open trimix course to the specifics of rebreather diving.
As in open although it has less meaning in terms of machine preparation, it is kept a basic Trimix level and a Trimix level. The increasing depths, the logistics, the security to be put in place for Trimix dives justify specific "deep" Trimix training.
Be Level Three; Be 18 years old
Have made at least 10 Trimix dives with your machine
Duration of training
Continuous or over weekends or half days, it is according to your possibilities. Everything is possible.
Trimix training: 6 dives
Training places
It is out of the question for us to train you in diving rebreather trimix elsewhere than at sea. Depending on the opportunities and the season, different centers can accommodate us. It is to be defined with you when planning your training.
At the end of the training, you are certified as a Basic Trimix or Trimix Buddy Inspiration diver.

Inspiration Evolution instructor training
Training Air recycler instructor.
You must first be a 1 st degree diving instructor, be an Air Inspiration rebreather diver and have your own machine.
Training Recycling instructor Inspiration trimix. You must first be a 2nd degree dive instructor, be a Trimix Inspiration rebreather diver and have your own machine.
Instructor training takes place during diving courses. The future instructor participates in the supervision of a training.
Scuba diving training
AQUATEK has more than 20 years of experience in teaching diving. We can assist you in your progression from baptism to level 3.
In career or at sea, the only objective is while having fun giving you the tools to safely enjoy your dives whatever the conditions. We have for you a large choice of quarries, types of boats and course of dives.
Your pleasure in progressing in security is our concern!
Baptism: To take your first steps in the wonderful world of the "submarine"
Level 1: First level of diver, you master the basics of diving.
Level 2: You master the diving well enough to go on your own with your buddy up to 20 meters and accompanied by an instructor up to 40 meters.
Level 3: You are now a scuba diver regardless of the depth.
RIFAP: The essential tool to assume your own safety and that of others on board
Waterproof clothing training: Do you want to enjoy your dives all year round? So dive in lime and dry. It's easy, just two dives to master these clothes.
Special dives:
Night dive, drift dive, wreckage etc ... they require some additional knowledge to be appreciated in complete safety.
Nitrox training: First level of technical diving, the Nitrox is a plus for decompression.
Confirmed Nitrox training: To optimize decompression whatever the depth of the dive, use of all oxygenated mixes up to pure oxygen.
Trimix training: From a certain depth the air becomes toxic, it is then necessary to use synthetic mixtures with helium in addition to oxygen and nitrogen. It is easy to descend, you have to learn to ascend. Aquatek does not offer trimix training in open circuit, the rebreather is there to optimize and secure these dives, let's take advantage of it to live with our times. The trimix is now in recycler.

Reaction and Response to a Diving Accident
Objective : To be able to be a real help to the diving director during the care of the victim in the event of a diving accident.
Prerequisite : None!
A theoretical module on safety and rescue
Relief organization
The alert
Safety in diving
A theoretical first aid module
Basic gestures of cardiovascular resuscitation
Use of oxygen therapy equipment.
A practical module in water
Techniques for removing water from the edge
Techniques for removing water from the tire
Techniques for removing water from a boat with freeboard
Techniques for taking care of a victim of a diving accident
Duration of training : A day and a half.
Training locations: Depending on your preferences, we can organize dives at sea or on the banks of the Charente according to the best opportunities. During the winter months, the dives take place in quarries.
Certification : The training certificate is issued at the end of the training.
De la surface à 160 mètres nous réalisons vos projets de films sous-marins
17/10/2024 | Groupe de Recherche Scientifique de la Touvre | Rapport d'étude | |
11/06/2019 | TV5 Guide Aventure | Nathalie Lasselin 2019 | |
31/08/2018 | Revue de plongée Secrets de Plongée 113 | Les recycleurs comment ça marche | |
31/07/2018 | Article de presse | Une plongée inédite dans la carrière immergée | |
31/12/2017 | Revue de plongée Octopus | Article avec Frank Vasseur sur les purges pipi | |
28/10/2015 | Article de presse | Le Grang Bleu de Saint Même les Carrières | |
14/02/2012 | Pour Grand angle Production | 52' Mystères maritimes, affaires classées : Bateaux martyrs | |
09/01/2012 | SHARKSKIN | Flyer de présentation de la collection 2012 | |
30/04/2011 | Revue de plongée Octopus | Article Saint Sauveur et Cette eau qui nous déshydrate | |
30/06/2010 | Revue de plongée Plongée Magasine | Le MEKNES | |
30/06/2010 | Revue de plongée Octopus | Le CHARYBDIS | |
09/05/2010 | Article de presse | Article sur le MEKNES, Caméraman de l'équipe | |
06/05/2010 | Article de presse | Article sur le MEKNES | |
30/04/2010 | Revue de plongée Octopus | Article sur AQUATEK au SMPE | |
30/04/2010 | Revue de plongée Plongée Magasine | Article sur le SMPE participation d'AQUATEK à l'organisation | |
09/01/2010 | Revue de plongée Octopus | Le MEKNES | |
09/01/2010 | Revue de plongée Subaqua | Le MEKNES | |
09/01/2010 | Revue de plongée Plongée magasine | Le MEKNES | |
02/01/2010 | Revue de plongée Plongée Magasine | Article sur le SMPE avec la participation d'Aquatek | |
21/10/2009 | JT 20 H : Sentier Sub aquatique de Bizeux | Caméraman des images sub aquatiques | |
23/08/2009 | Article de presse | Article sur le CHARYBDIS Caméraman de l'équipe | |
15/08/2009 | JT 20 H : Laurent Ballesta Biologiste Photographe | Médecin de l'équipe et éclairagiste du caméraman Boberto Rinaldi | |
12/08/2009 | Article de presse | Article sur le MEKNES Caméraman de l'équipe | |
29/04/2009 | Article de presse | Article sur le MEKNES Caméraman de l'équipe | |
14/09/2008 | Site Internent de ANGES | SAUERLAND Participation comme cadreur | |
14/09/2007 | Site Internet Sub Evasion | ARMOR 150 Participation comme cadreur | |
Aquatek Med provides health support for your sub aquatic expeditions
Your shipment is supervised by an emergency and hyperbaric doctor.
Emergency physician since 2000.
Hyperbaric doctor since 2009
Hyperbaric medicine
We provide your medical follow-up
whatever your hyperbaric activity.
Specific material
dopplers can be saved for archiving.
Since 1975 with COMEX this doppler
followed the evolution of professional decompression.
There should be no delay
to your specialist care in the event of an accident.